Hi community,
I’m unable to use the Azure API Management custom domain resource with APIM resource.
Doc links :
I need to use the custom domain resource because I deploy a preprod environment (which it has to be upload in demand) and it needs APIM to be deployed before I can configure key vault policy for system assigned identity automatically, and therefore deploy a custom domain configuration for use the certificate in the key vault.
The first deployment is ok, but when I try a “terraform plan” command without modification, it mentions that it wants to delete my custom domain configuration. If I apply and try again, it wants to add the custom domain configuration again, and it boucles like that.
I really need both APIM and custom domain resource and it seems not to be working together.
In my opinion, I do not create conflict because I’ve not shared parameter in the both resources.
Is there a bug in Terraform ?
I can share with you my configuration and other details.
Thanks in advance.