Azurem_app_service need to remove ip_restriction rule

We have put in place ip_restrictions while testing internally, now we need to remove them to expose the service.

The doc, Terraform Registry , mention

User has to explicitly set ip_restriction to empty slice ( [] ) to remove it.

but there are no code example of this in the repo(a . huge huge problem with terraform doc…) and even our devs have no idea what it really means. We tried a tons of syntax, but it always ends up with terraform complaing that we must set an IP, r that CIDR is not valid.

Those are 2 of the variations we tried,

ip_restriction {
            ip_address                = null
            virtual_network_subnet_id = null
            name                      = "Allow01"
            priority                  = 300
            action                    = "Allow"

this return :

one of ip_address, service_tag or virtual_network_subnet_id must be set for an IP restriction

ip_restriction {
        ip_address                = []
        virtual_network_subnet_id = null
        name                      = "Allow01"
        priority                  = 300
        action                    = "Allow"

second one returns that CIDR is invalid.

We also tried a coutless others syntax.

Anyone can supply a working example to put us on the right track?


Edited for code format