How can I assign the Id of a VirtualNetwork to another resource which requires it?
Hi there, I am experiencing some issues whenever I execute Terraform plan on my CDKTF C# generated JSON plan.
Error: Can not parse "virtual_network_id" as a resource id: Cannot parse Azure ID: parse "azurerm_virtual_network": invalid URI for request
This error happens on the azurem_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link
The resource definition in my class:
new PrivateDnsZoneVirtualNetworkLink(this, "azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link", new PrivateDnsZoneVirtualNetworkLinkConfig
Name = ng.EnvironmentName("long", env: "env") + "",
ResourceGroupName = ng.GetResNames()["RgName"],
PrivateDnsZoneName = "azurerm_private_dns_zone.private-dns-zone",
VirtualNetworkId = "azurerm_virtual_network"
The VirtualNetwork
resource definition:
new VirtualNetwork(this, "azurerm_virtual_network", new VirtualNetworkConfig
Name = ng.GetResNames()["VNetName"],
Location = ng.Region[1],
ResourceGroupName = ng.GetResNames()["RgName"],
AddressSpace = new[] { "" },
Tags = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "application", ng.EnvironmentName("long")},
{"environment", ng.EnvironmentName("long", env:"env") }
My first idea was to simply use the string which is defined as azurerm_virtual_network
As per the provider definition:
But this did not seem to work. Could anyone give me a hand regarding this issue?
Thank you!