I am building an azure-dev ops pipeline to build infrastructure in Azure.
The resource : azurerm_mssql_database is not building an sql database.
Here is my main.tf file - if i take out the azurerm_mssql_database resource - it builds fine.
When i go into the resource group and look at the logs it just says ’
The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state ‘Failed’.’
I have put the TF_LOGS in and again there is nothing to report, just basically operation failed. I have tried by updating the terraform and build it different ways and i cannot see why its not working. Any help would be amazing.
locals { resourceGroupName = "rg-${var.locationname}-${var.resourcename}-${var.environment}" sqlServerName = "sqlsvr-${lower(var.locationname)}-${lower(var.resourcename)}-${lower(var.environment)}" raptSqlDatabaseName = "sqldb-RAPT-${var.locationname}-${var.resourcename}" clSqlDatabaseName = "sqldb-CL-${var.locationname}-${var.resourcename}" appInsightsName = "appi-${var.locationname}-${var.resourcename}-${var.environment}" analyticWorkspaceName = "Loga-DA-${var.locationname}-${var.resourcename}-${var.environment}" sql_ad_login = "${var.sql_administrator_ad_login}" object_id = "${var.sql_administrator_ad_login_id}" sql_ad_group = "azSG-ATP-Users-${var.environment}" # vnetName = "vnet-${var.locationname}-${var.resourcename}-${var.environment}" # privateEndpointName = "pep-${var.resourcename}-sql-${lower(var.environment)}" # networkSecuriyGroupId = "/subscriptions/${var.subscription_id}/resourceGroups/${var.nsg_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/${var.nsg_name}" } resource "azurerm_mssql_server" "main" { name = local.sqlServerName resource_group_name = local.resourceGroupName location = var.location version = "12.0" minimum_tls_version = "1.2" administrator_login = var.sql_administrator_login administrator_login_password = var.sql_administrator_login_password tags = var.tags } resource "azurerm_sql_active_directory_administrator" "main" { server_name = azurerm_mssql_server.main.name resource_group_name = local.resourceGroupName login = local.sql_ad_login tenant_id = data.azurerm_client_config.current.tenant_id object_id = local.object_id } resource "azurerm_sql_firewall_rule" "main" { name = var.sql_firewall_rule resource_group_name = local.resourceGroupName server_name = azurerm_mssql_server.main.name start_ip_address = "" end_ip_address = "" } resource "azurerm_mssql_database" "sqldb" { name = "Sample DB" server_id = azurerm_mssql_server.main.id collation = "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" license_type = "LicenseIncluded" max_size_gb = 4 read_scale = true sku_name = "BC_Gen5_2" zone_redundant = true } # ---- Log Analystics Workspace --- resource "azurerm_log_analytics_workspace" "main" { name = local.analyticWorkspaceName resource_group_name = local.resourceGroupName location = var.location retention_in_days = 30 tags = var.tags } # ---- Diagnostics ---- resource "azurerm_application_insights" "main" { name = local.appInsightsName resource_group_name = local.resourceGroupName location = var.location application_type = "web" tags = var.tags } #---- Diagnostic Logging ---- resource "azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting" "main" { name = "Diagnostic Settings - Master" target_resource_id = "${azurerm_mssql_server.main.id}/databases/master" log_analytics_workspace_id = azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.main.id log { category = "SQLSecurityAuditEvents" enabled = true retention_policy { enabled = false } } metric { category = "AllMetrics" retention_policy { enabled = false } } lifecycle { ignore_changes = [log, metric] } } resource "azurerm_mssql_server_extended_auditing_policy" "main" { server_id = azurerm_mssql_server.main.id log_monitoring_enabled = true }