Azurerm_virtual_network how to work with subnet list afterward...?

Hi, I created a virtual network in azure with many subnets.

Afterward, in another module, I want to associate the relevant subnet to a resource, but I can’t find a way to get the subnet ID from the azurerm_virtual_network by using the subnet name(i.e.:[subnetX].id).
It seems I can only use pointer to a list element(like subnetResourceId =[5].id) The problem with that is obvious. If someone adds or remove a subnet, it will potentially break the code.

Is there anyway to point to the right subnet without chances of errors?

Here is the code for the virutal netowrk:

resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "networkVnet" {
  name                = var.vnetName
  location            = var.location
  resource_group_name = var.rg
  tags                = var.tags
  address_space       = [var.vnetCIDR]

  subnet {
    name           = "AzureFirewallSubnet"
    address_prefix = var.firewallCIDR
  subnet {
    name           = "GatewaySubnet"
    address_prefix = var.gatewayCIDR
  subnet {
    name           = "PrivateEndpointsSubnet"
    address_prefix = var.privateEPCIDR
  subnet {
    name           = "AzureBastionSubnet"
    address_prefix = var.bastionCIDR
  subnet {
    name           = "DNSSubnet"
    address_prefix = var.dnsCIDR
  subnet {
    name           = "JumpboxSubnet"
    address_prefix = var.jumbpboxCIDR
    security_group =

You could try creating a local map variable from the subnets list. Something like

some_var = {for x in : = x }