I’m confused with the error of terraform init.
So, I have an existing AKS cluster and now I want use the same terraform scripts to create new cluster but in another tenant and subscription. Backend should stay the same.
I want to keep my existing cluster working until I create new.
Terraform init gives me this error:
Error: Backend configuration changed
│ A change in the backend configuration has been detected, which may require
│ migrating existing state.
│ If you wish to attempt automatic migration of the state, use “terraform
│ init -migrate-state”.
│ If you wish to store the current configuration with no changes to the
│ state, use “terraform init -reconfigure”.
It is clear that terraform sees resources in state file which are in wrong tenant.
Now I don’t know which option to choose? Backend stays the same so, -migrate-state would migrate the state where?!
Thanks a lot!