Hello guys !
I’m trying to have a functional Vault in Kubernetes using the most recent helm chart, with the Raft protocol and the TLS.
I believe I managed to get it about 90% completion, but there is something with the TLS that doesn’t work. So to generate the certificate, I used the jetstack/cert-manager (pretty common in Kubernetes), which create a k8s secret (vault-tls). In the helm chart, I refer the “secretName” property as vault-tls. I also specific the 3 TLS “files” in the config listener{} block and the retry_join{} blocks.
Something like this :
tls_cert_file = “/vault/userconfig/vault-tls/tls.crt”
tls_key_file = “/vault/userconfig/vault-tls/tls.key”
tls_client_ca_file = “/vault/userconfig/vault-tls/ca.crt”
The 3 container cluster itself seems to boot properly, the container keeps running and the logs seems ok (I see this message in the logs: core.cluster-listener: no TLS config found for ALPN: ALPN=[req_fw_sb-act_v1] but I don’t think it really impacts the cluster health).
In the agent-injector section of the yml, under the certs property I have something like
secretName: vault-tls
caBundle: --obfuscated base64 string–
certName: tls.crt
keyName: tls.key
However, when I check the logs of the agent-injector container, I can see a lot of “bad certificate” warning.
2020-06-28T17:50:02.572Z [INFO] handler: Starting handler…
Listening on “:8080”…
Updated certificate bundle received. Updating certs…
2020/06/28 17:50:11 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
2020/06/28 17:50:11 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
2020/06/28 17:50:16 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
Seems I have 1 warning line spawning everytime I try to boot an application container with the annotations to fetch a secret. What exactly could cause this ? Is this a TLS issue between the container and the agent injector, or a tls issue between the agent injector and the cluster ?
When I describe the application container, the sidecar container does not show up, so I don’t think the agent injector do its job at all. I try adding the “vault.hashicorp.com/tls-skip-verify” = “true” annotation to the application container just for a test, and it still doesn’t work I have the same issue.
I believe my issue might be around the “caBundle” propery in the agent-injector section, I tried with the filename (ca.crt from the secret). I also tried with the base64, same error.
Any help would be really appreciated.
I provide my helm chart values.yml in attachment
values.yml.txt (15.7 KB)
Thanks for any advice !