Beside passing the current providers to a module, can I count/loop through them?


I’m wondering if the ‘providers’ parameter in a module can be read/counted/looped through?

module "example" {
  source = ../module/example
  name = "example_name
  providers = {
    aws         = aws
    aws.useast1 = aws.useast1


provider "aws" {
  for_each = provider(s).key

  alias = each.value

The error it gives is; A managed resource “provider(s)” “key” has not been declared in module “example”. *() Wasnt sure if its provider or providers so tried both and got the same error

I can hardcode these values as there only two for the provider, but what if something needs to be deployed in both regions?


resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
  for_each = provider(s).key

  provider = each.value