I am looking for a recommended way to parse JSON code into HCL format strictly on the front end in Typescript. Is there a current package that does this?
I am looking for a recommended way to parse JSON code into HCL format strictly on the front end in Typescript. Is there a current package that does this?
Can you provide an example? I’m confused about what you mean by “on the frontend.”
Yes! Try json2tf
This was flagged as spam so let me try again without a link. If you search “json2tf” on the NPM registry, it’s a package that converts a JSON object to a Terraform literal. Sounds like exactly what you’re looking for. Fair disclosure: I wrote it.
Thanks for this response, i will check later and respond your thread.
The package in node is good for me too, i understand now what do you need.
You may check out “gohcl” and “determined” in github.