BigQuery DataTransfer is not enabled for doubleclick_search

I’m getting below error. I’ve activated the apis. Anyone can explain why I’m getting this error and how to resolve it will be greatly appreciated!

Error: Error creating Config: googleapi: Error 400: BigQuery DataTransfer is not enabled for doubleclick_search.

Here is my configuration.

resource “google_bigquery_data_transfer_config” “search_ads_360_transfer_2” {
display_name = “Search Ads 360 Transfer 2”
location = var.region
data_source_id = “doubleclick_search”

project = var.project_id
schedule = “every day 20:00”
destination_dataset_id = “test”

params = {
customer_id = “999-999-9999”
refresh_window_days = 1 // Optional: Number of days to look back (default is 1)
include_deleted_entities = false // Optional: Include deleted entities in reports (default is false)

depends_on = [module.project-services]

It does not seem like anyone in this community can answer why I’m getting the error.