We’re glad to have you back in the Hashicorp community Bradley! We’re sorry about the frustrating experience in the past, but hopefully we can do better and convince you to stay this time
Before I dig into this, I looked at the previous post you made linked here and a community user had commented at the bottom a solution that worked for them ( quoted below ). Did you attempt this solution? I’m curious to see if it’ll fix your issue:
I know this is an old thread, but I had the same issue and I found a solution. Unfortunatelly @blake your solution is incorrect. Template library does not support single quotes:
user@hostname:~/go/bin$ ./sockaddr eval "GetInterfaceIP 'eth0'" ERROR[0] in: "{{GetInterfaceIP 'eth0'}}" [0] msg: unable to parse template "{{GetInterfaceIP 'eth0'}}": template: sockaddr.Parse:1: malformed character constant: 'eth0'
It only supports double quotes:
user@hostname:~/go/bin$ ./sockaddr eval 'GetInterfaceIP "eth0"'
So .hcl file will look like this:
bind_addr = "{{ GetInterfaceIP \"eth0\" }}"