Cannot create token with a lifetime beyond 32 days

Using OpenShift 4.14 & Vault 1.15.2, I’ve been trying to generate tokens that last for longer than 32 days but whatever I try doesn’t seem to work and I get back this error:

WARNING! The following warnings were returned from Vault:

  * max_ttl is greater than the system or backend mount's maximum TTL value;
  issued tokens' max TTL value will be truncated

What’s the backend configuration?

oc exec -n hashicorp-vault vault-0 -- vault read sys/mounts/pki/tune
Key                  Value
---                  -----
default_lease_ttl    38400h
description          n/a
force_no_cache       false
max_lease_ttl        76800h

I set that with:

oc exec -n hashicorp-vault vault-0 -- vault secrets tune -default-lease-ttl=38400h -max-lease-ttl=76800h pki
oc exec -n hashicorp-vault vault-0 -- vault secrets enable "-path=myplace" -default-lease-ttl=38400h -max-lease-ttl=76800h pki

and for kv:

oc exec -n hashicorp-vault vault-0 -- vault secrets enable "-path=myplace-ocs" -default-lease-ttl=1600d -max-lease-ttl=3200d kv


Could you possibly expand on what command you are running that is generating the warning?

If I were to venture a guess, it’s an auth mount’s max lease ttl or a system wide max lease ttl is coming into play, and not the TTL values for the PKI/KV secret mounts.

When I do this (for PKI):
oc exec -n hashicorp-vault -it vault-0 – vault write “auth/kubernetes/role/myplace-issuer” “bound_service_account_names=myplace-issuer” “bound_service_account_namespaces=myplace” token_policies=“myplace-pki” ttl=24h token_max_ttl=276480000 token_ttl=138240000

and this for kv:

oc exec -n hashicorp-vault vault-0 – vault write “auth/kubernetes/role/myplace-ocs-issuer” bound_service_account_names=storage-sa bound_service_account_namespaces=openshift-storage,myplace token_policies=“myplace-ocs” token_max_ttl=3200d token_ttl=1600d token_explicit_max_ttl=3200d ttl=1600d

Have a look at the ttl values that are configured for the kubernetes auth mount, within the config key, when running the command

vault read sys/auth/kubernetes

Or possibly the Vault cluster’s max_lease_ttl by running

vault read /sys/config/state/sanitized


oc exec -ti -n hashicorp-vault vault-0 -- vault read /sys/config/state/sanitized | grep ttl
default_lease_ttl                      0s
max_lease_ttl                          0s


oc exec -ti -n hashicorp-vault vault-0 -- vault read sys/auth/kubernetes | grep ttl
config                     map[default_lease_ttl:0 force_no_cache:false max_lease_ttl:0 token_type:default-service]

So values of 0 for both means that nothing has overwritten Vault’s default TTL values, so you have a max lease ttl value of 32 days.

You can bump the TTL values on the auth/kubernetes mount point like you did within the PKI mount point and the warning should go away and new tokens will be allowed to have a lifetime longer than 32 days.

Ok, thanks for the pointers. I got the kubernetes config done with this:
oc exec -n hashicorp-vault vault-0 -- vault auth tune -default-lease-ttl=38400h -max-lease-ttl=76800h kubernetes

I haven’t yet worked out how to poke /sys/config/state/sanitized

Tuning the Kubernetes auth mount point should be enough for the warning message to go away and allow you to create token’s longer than 32 days.

In regards to changing the values from /sys/config/state/sanitized, which you shouldn’t need too, those values come from Vault’s main configuration file you specify at startup. See this page for more details about max_lease_ttl config parameter.