Cannot login to Kubernetes cluster using Vault token with Terraform

Hello Terraform users !

I’ve already posted my issue there and I don’t have the ability to move it as it seams mostly related with terraform integration with Vault : Cannot login to Kubernetes cluster using Vault token

If anyone can move the previous post, feel free. Awaiting that, here is my issue :

We are trying to deploy our app to a Kubernetes cluster. To achieve that, I am a using a Kubernetes secret backend in Vault. This gives us a token that I’m trying to pass to the kubernetes provider. However, I get an error: “invalid configuration: client-key-data or client-key must be specified for to use the clientCert authentication method.”

Here is my configuration :

provider "vault" {
  address = "https://my.vault.url"
  auth_login_oidc {
    role = "terraform"

data "vault_kubernetes_service_account_token" "k8s_credentials" {
  backend = "kubernetes"
  cluster_role_binding = true
  kubernetes_namespace = "terraform"
  role = "terraform"

provider "kubernetes" {
  host = "https://my.k8s.url"
  token = data.vault_kubernetes_service_account_token.k8s_credentials.service_account_token
  cluster_ca_certificate = file("../../../ca.crt")

I can generate a kubernetes token with vault, the issue is in terraform which ignores the token passed in this section:

provider "kubernetes" {
  host = "https://my.k8s.url"
  token = data.vault_kubernetes_service_account_token.k8s_credentials.service_account_token
  cluster_ca_certificate = file("../../../ca.crt")

That’s this section that returns “invalid configuration: client-key-data or client-key must be specified for to use the clientCert authentication method.”

The kubernetes Token is valid and can be used with kubectl.

Do you have any idea on how to make it works?

Hi @val,

The Vault provider for Terraform is maintained by the Vault teams at HashiCorp, rather than by any Terraform teams, and so the Terraform integration with Vault is in a sense a part of Vault, despite being accessed via Terraform.

Perhaps it’s better to think of this as a question about the Kubernetes provider though. I’ll move this post into the Kubernetes provider’s category to see if the folks watching that category can help!

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