I have the PKI backend enabled. I created this role:
"allow_any_name": false,
"allow_bare_domains": false,
"allow_glob_domains": true,
"allow_ip_sans": false,
"allow_localhost": false,
"allow_subdomains": false,
"allow_token_displayname": false,
"allowed_domains": [ "app*.cloud.*.example.com" ],
"allowed_other_sans" : "email;UTF-8:*@example.com",
"enforce_hostnames": true,
"ext_key_usage": [ "ServerAuth" ],
"key_usage": [ "DigitalSignature", "KeyAgreement", "KeyEncipherment" ]
It has a funky glob syntax, but it works well using this certificate generation request:
"ttl" : "2m",
"common_name": "app.cloud.z.example.com",
"alt_names": "app5678.cloud.z.example.com, app9999.cloud.z.example.com"
But the request fails when I add an email as another altername name:
"ttl" : "2m",
"common_name": "app.cloud.z.example.com",
"alt_names": "app5678.cloud.z.example.com, app9999.cloud.z.example.com",
"other_sans": "email;UTF-8:requester-dude@example.com"
With the error : error marshaling other SANs: strconv.Atoi: parsing "email": invalid syntax
. I think it’s looking for the RFC822 email
OID but I don’t know what it is or how to write it in OID syntax.
How must I write the allowed_other_sans
of the role or the other_sans
of the request to accept only emails of the @example.com