Certificates Signed by a Public CA

Hi everyone,
My name is Oscar, I’m new in vault and i’m trying to figure out if there is an option in vault, to put my own certificates and key, signed by a public CA like digicert or Comodo SSl, i was looking for that information in the official website of hashicorp, on youtube, but all the information that i found, talks about PKI and how to create your own CA, not about a public CA, do you know a way to accomplish that? or vault is not for doing that?, the idea is to keep safe our certificate with vault.
Sorry if this question was made before, but i tried to look in many places, and i couldn’t find anything.

You can store someone else’s certificate as a secret in a KV store, but you can’t use the Vault PKI engine to sign someone else’s certificate and hand it out.

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Hi, Aram, Thanks a lot, now i understand.