Clarification on support for multi-writer

failed to setup alloc: pre-run hook "csi_hook" failed: claim volumes: rpc error: controller publish: attach volume: rpc error: controller attach volume: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Volume capabilities MULTI_NODE_MULTI_WRITER not supported. Only AccessModes[ReadWriteOnce] supported.

The volume:

ID                   = pypi
Name                 = pypi
External ID          = vol-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Plugin ID            = aws-ebs0
Provider             =
Version              = v0.7.1
Schedulable          = true
Controllers Healthy  = 1
Controllers Expected = 1
Nodes Healthy        = 3
Nodes Expected       = 3
Access Mode          = multi-node-multi-writer
Attachment Mode      = file-system
Mount Options        = <none>
Namespace            = default

No allocations placed

Does this message mean this capability is simply not yet available in beta, or is there something else I need to configure? I’m using an io1 ebs volume with multi-writer enabled.


Aha. I see this is a driver limitation.