Hello all,
I have the paid cloud version of the vault and I’m trying to get my EKS cluster login properly to the vault. Specifically, I want to use cert-manager and external-secrets.
I configure my vault backend like this:
resource "vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_config" "connect_sa_with_vault" {
backend = vault_auth_backend.kubernetes.path
kubernetes_host = var.kubernetes_host
And for external-secrets I do:
server: ${var.vault_address}
path: "secret"
namespace: "admin/${var.environment}"
version: "v2"
mountPath: ${vault_auth_backend.kubernetes.path}
role: ${vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_role.sa_vault_role.role_name}
name: ${kubernetes_service_account_v1.vault_client.metadata[0].name}
namespace: ${kubernetes_namespace_v1.vault_namespace.metadata[0].name}
However, I keep getting 403 permission denied. I have tried to pass the “kubernetes_ca_cert” field as well without success.
On the other hand, if I create a static secret and use it instead of serviceAccountRef, and also use the token_reviewer_jwt and the kubernetes_ca_cert coming from such a token, then it works ok.
The service account has also the cluster role “system:auth-delegator”.
Does anyone know what I am missing?
Thank you in advance and regards