Cloudwatch log subscription filter escaping quotations issue

I am on terraform 1.2.2/aws provider 4.2.0

I need to create a pattern for a cloudwatch log subscription that matches


Matching only error is not ok, because there is an “error_id” in every message.
I tried ““level”:“error”” (also "\“level”…) but I keep getting the error:

 Error: error updating CloudWatch Log Subscription Filter (XXX): InvalidParameterException: Invalid subscription filter pattern
│   with aws_cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter.logfilter[0],
│   on line 9, in resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter" "logfilter":
│    9: resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter" "logfilter" {
ERRO[0016] 1 error occurred:
	* exit status 1

After some research I have tried to use format(), but it is not allowed in the variable definition…


variable "lambda_streamer_filters" {
  default = "?\"level\":\"error\" ?Starting ?Shutting"

resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter" "logfilter" {
  name            = "test-log-filter"
  log_group_name  = "test"
  filter_pattern  = var.lambda_streamer_filters
  destination_arn = replace(data.aws_lambda_function.lambda.arn, ":$LATEST", "")
  distribution    = "ByLogStream"

Is there a way to have such pattern ? alternative is filter at the lambda function or add an extra key:val i can filter on and is not used anywhere else…


the filter pattern in AWS is quite restrictive. it does support and interpret JSON, so to filter on ‘error’ level logs you can just do:

{ $.level = "error" }