Hi, im trying to make it possible to assign multiple users to 1 role in AWS using terraform, what im now have is below,
test6 = [
user_arn = (known after apply)
user_name = "admin-user-01"
user_role = "admin_group_role"
user_arn = (known after apply)
user_name = "admin-user-01"
user_role = "support_group_role"
user_arn = (known after apply)
user_name = "support-user-01"
user_role = "support_group_role"
now i need to make it look like
another_list = [
user_role = "admin_group_role"
user_arns = [("a list of only admin-user's arns")]
user_role = "support_group_role"
user_arns = [("a list of support's + admins arns")]
Should be doable, but im new into the terraform, and im struggling with it for 2 days already ;PP , so any help will be appreciated.
April 20, 2022, 10:59am
I guess you could do something complicated with flatten
and distinct
- here is a simplified model, omitting the references to (known after apply) values:
locals {
test6 = [
user_name = "admin-user-01"
user_role = "admin_group_role"
user_name = "admin-user-01"
user_role = "support_group_role"
user_name = "support-user-01"
user_role = "support_group_role"
combined = [for role in distinct([for entry in local.test6 : entry["user_role"]]) :
user_role = role,
user_names = flatten([for entry in local.test6 :
entry["user_role"] == role ? [entry["user_name"]] : []
$ terraform console
> local.combined
"user_names" = [
"user_role" = "admin_group_role"
"user_names" = [
"user_role" = "support_group_role"
This kind of thing is probably fine if your number of users and groups will remain small, but beware it scaling poorly if you move towards hundreds/thousands of users/groups.
It’s also pretty non-intuitive to read.
You might do better pre-processing or redefining your input to terraform into something more like
"admin_group_role" = [
"support_group_role" = [
which could drive simpler code on the Terraform side.
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Nice, it works perfectly, thank you very much.