Conditional dynamic block in list of objects

Hi everyone

I have json file with the following list of object (can change to map of object if is necessary):

  "route_table_name": ["Route_table_Management" , "Route_table_Service"],
  "route": [ 
            "route_name" : "Service",
            "address_prefix" : "",
            "next_hop_type": "VirtualAppliance",
            "next_hop_in_ip_address": "",
            "rt_name": "Route_table_Service" -------> ROUTE TABLE NAME 1
            "route_name" : "Internet",
            "address_prefix" : "",
            "next_hop_type": "Internet",
            "rt_name": "Route_table_Service" -------> ROUTE TABLE NAME 1
            "route_name": "Management", 
            "address_prefix": "", 
            "next_hop_type" : "VirtualAppliance",
            "next_hop_in_ip_address" : "",
            "rt_name": "Route_table_Management"  -----> ROUTE TABLE NAME 2
            "route_name" : "Management_trust" ,
            "address_prefix" : "" ,
            "next_hop_type": "VirtualAppliance",
            "next_hop_in_ip_address" : "",
            "rt_name": "Route_table_Management" -------> ROUTE TABLE NAME 2
            "route_name" : "Management2" ,
            "address_prefix" : "" ,
            "next_hop_type": "VirtualAppliance",
            "next_hop_in_ip_address" : "",
            "rt_name": "Route_table_Management" -------> ROUTE TABLE NAME 2

And a module defined with the resource “azurerm_route_table” with dynamic content.
I would like to be able to iterate over this resource “azurerm_route_table” with for_each=var.route and that the routes to be generated in their corresponding route table name.
So if route_table_name and rt_name dont match, i would pass to next iteration, but I don’t know if it is at all possible and if it is I don’t know the correct syntax or function to use
Maybe to create a sub map wth only the map that satisfy the condition.
This code leaves the route that doesn´t match with variable name = 0, address =0 because the condition forces to give a value.

resource "azurerm_route_table" "r_rt" {
  name                          = "${}"
  location                      = "${var.location}"
  resource_group_name           = "${var.resource_group_name}"
  disable_bgp_route_propagation = "${var.disable_bgp_route_propagation}"

  dynamic "route" {
    for_each = var.route
    content {
      name = (route.value["rt_name"]=="${}") ? route.value["route_name"] : 0
      address_prefix = (route.value["rt_name"]=="${}") ? route.value["address_prefix"] :0
      next_hop_type = (route.value["rt_name"]=="${}") ? route.value["next_hop_type"] : "None"
      next_hop_in_ip_address = (route.value["rt_name"]=="${}") ? route.value["next_hop_in_ip_address"] : ""


Thanks in advance