hi, how configure GC in Nomad for delete old allocations for periodic job (if job is running) ? help me plz
I have nightly and weekly maintenance jobs running as periodic jobs.
Just store a valid token in an environment variable and execute “nomad system gc” on your instances.
Nightly job:
job "nightly-backups" {
datacenters = ["home"]
type = "batch"
# runs nightly database backups for all the embedded databases
# requires that the databases have a backup Action defined which can be called by Nomad
periodic {
crons = ["0 3 * * * *"] # run every day at 3:00
time_zone = "Europe/Berlin"
prohibit_overlap = true
group "nightly" {
constraint {
attribute = "${node.class}"
value = "compute"
task "backups" {
driver = "exec"
config {
command = "/bin/sh"
# command line arguments which call Nomad to execute the backup Action
# add additional backup Actions as desired
args = ["-c", <<EOF
echo "backing up Nomad variables"
nomad operator snapshot save /backup/raft-backup.$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M").snap
find /backup/* -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;
echo "backing up Unifi Network MongoDB"
nomad action -job=unifi-network -group=mongodb -task=mongodb backup-mongodb
echo "backing up Bookstack MariaDB"
nomad action -job=bookstack -group=bookstack -task=mariadb backup-mariadb
echo "backing up Immich Postgres DB"
nomad action -job=immich -group=immich-postgres -task=postgres backup-postgres
echo "finished running nightly backups"
# provide Nomad token with the necessary rights to execute the backup Actions
template {
destination = "secrets/variables.env"
env = true
data = <<EOH
{{- with nomadVar "nomad/jobs/nightly-backups" }}
NOMAD_TOKEN = "{{- .token }}"
TZ = "Europe/Berlin"
{{- end }}
resources {
memory = 100
cpu = 100
volume_mount {
volume = "nomad"
destination = "/backup"
volume "nomad" {
type = "csi"
source = "nomad"
access_mode = "single-node-writer"
attachment_mode = "file-system"
Weekly cleanup job which will run on all instances. Might make sense to run the GC here:
job "weekly-maintenance" {
datacenters = ["home"]
type = "sysbatch"
# runs weekly maintenance jobs on all nodes, i.e. prune dangling docker containers which are no longer in use
periodic {
crons = ["15 3 * * Sun"] # run every Sunday at 3:15
time_zone = "Europe/Berlin"
prohibit_overlap = true
group "docker" {
task "maintenance" {
driver = "raw_exec"
config {
command = "/bin/sh"
# add additional weekly maintenance actions as desired
args = ["-c", <<EOF
echo "cleaning up docker resources"
docker system prune --all --force
echo "finished cleaning up docker resources"
apt autoremove --purge -y
echo "finished cleaning up outdated apt packages"
journalctl --vacuum-time=7d 2>&1
echo "finished purging old log data from journald"
resources {
memory = 100
cpu = 100