Configure network "pinning" for jobs

I’m looking for advice on the following:

My goal:

  • I have nomad clients which are connected to multiple networks (either using vlan interfaces, or multiple physical interfaces)
  • I would like to run jobs on the nomad clients, but restrict the outbound communication of certain jobs to only one of the connected networks
  • Use consul connect for inbound routing to these jobs.

My understanding so far is that for inbound port mapping, I can specify a host_network to restrict where the external port of this service is exposed. This is for inbound traffic only. I could also bind the application to in the alloc and use consul connect with a sidecar proxy to control access to the service.

I want to also control outbound access from the application in the task though.

The way it works currently looks like:

The veth devices in the alloc get connected to the default nomad bridge device:

pi@clusterpi-03:/srv/docker $ bridge link show
38: veth09743fb6@eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 master nomad state forwarding priority 32 cost 2 
39: veth0fe2613d@eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 master nomad state forwarding priority 32 cost 2 
40: vethcc8eb4af@eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 master nomad state forwarding priority 32 cost 2 
41: veth1e688971@eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 master nomad state forwarding priority 32 cost 2 

Inside the alloc, the default route is set to the IP of the nomad bridge, and on the host, traffic leaving the bridge is masqeraded to a host IP. This implies that the task can make outbound connections to any network that the host can connect to.

I would rather restrict the alloc to a single network, as well as ensure that outbound connections from the task route via a specific gateway.

Network isolation between groups/jobs on the same host talks about alloc to alloc communication, not commns from an alloc to the outside network

CNI plugins are a possible option - I could use macvlan to provide a network interface inside the alloc which is isolated to a single network. There are some limitations here though. CNI macvlan requires the CNI plugin to provide an IP address, so each nomad client would have to have a managed pool of IPs on each connected vlan, leading to management complexity. Also, allowing the alloc to connect to a macvlan for external routing, while also connecting to the nomad bridge for consul connect seems not possible

Another option would be to define a CNI bridge, where I can specify the VLAN when I attach the veth to the bridge (e.g. bridge vlan add dev veth2 vid 2 pvid untagged), but this is not supported by the CNI plugin (CNI)

So, a few specific questions:

  • Is consul connect only supported if the alloc is connected to the default nomad bridge device?
  • Is there a way of having cluster-level IP allocation management (so that nomad can manage the addresses assigned to macvlan-based interfaces)
  • Are there any worked examples of managing alloc → network connectivity as described here?

It looks like the answers to my questions are as follows:

  • Is consul connect only supported if the alloc is connected to the default nomad bridge device?
  • Is there a way of having cluster-level IP allocation management (so that nomad can manage the addresses assigned to macvlan-based interfaces)
    • Sort of. A CNI network can use DHCP to get an address. This means IP management is not done by nomad, but by an external DHCP server. However since the MAC address of an alloc is not persisted, running a new version of a job results in a new IP, which could lead to IP address exhaustion in the DHCP server if the lease is too long.
    • The CNI dhcp plugin supports CNI_ARGS to set things like the host name of the lease, or even the mac address to be used (CNI Capabilities) but nomad does not support passing CNI_ARGS (support CNI_ARGS parameters · Issue #16197 · hashicorp/nomad · GitHub)
  • Are there any worked examples of managing alloc → network connectivity as described here?
    • I am still experimenting, but with the above two issues fixed, I should be able to achieve what I want.