Connect Kibana and Elasticsearch Nomad Job

Hello everyone, :wave:

I’m trying to connect Kibana and elasticsearch using Nomad and Docker driver.
But I can’t achieve it and I don’t know how to configure the flag in kibana to join Elasticsearch

I can run Elasticsearch but Kibana is Waiting for the Elasticsearch Host to join.

some clue?

job "es-cluster" {
  type        = "service"
  datacenters = ["dc1"]

  update {
    max_parallel     = 1
    health_check     = "checks"
    min_healthy_time = "180s"
    healthy_deadline = "5m"
    progress_deadline = "10m"

  meta {

  group "es-cluster-master" {
    count = 1

    task "es-cluster-master" {
      driver = "docker"

      user = "root"

      kill_timeout = "600s"

      kill_signal = "SIGTERM"

      config {
        image      = ""
        command    = "elasticsearch"

        args = [
          "-Ebootstrap.memory_lock=true",                          # lock all JVM memory on startup
         # "-Ecloud.node.auto_attributes=true",                     # use AWS API to add additional meta data to the client (like AZ)
          "${NOMAD_META_ES_CLUSTER_NAME}",          # name of the cluster - this must match between master and data nodes
          "-Ediscovery.zen.hosts_provider=file",                   # use a 'static' file
          "-Ediscovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes=1",                # >= 2 master nodes are required to form a healthy cluster
          "-Egateway.expected_data_nodes=1",                       # >= 3 data nodes to form a healthy cluster
          "-Egateway.expected_master_nodes=1",                     # >= 3 master nodes are the expected state of the cluster
          "-Egateway.expected_nodes=1",                            # >= 3 nodes in total are expected to be in the cluster
          "-Egateway.recover_after_nodes=1",                       # >= 3 nodes are required to start data recovery
          "-Ehttp.port=${NOMAD_PORT_rest}",                        # HTTP port (originally port 9200) to listen on inside the container
          "-Ehttp.publish_port=${NOMAD_HOST_PORT_rest}",           # HTTP port (originally port 9200) on the host instance
          "",                                # IP to listen on for all traffic
          #"-Enetwork.publish_host=${NOMAD_IP_rest}",               # IP to broadcast to other elastic search nodes (this is a host IP, not container)
          #"-Enetwork.publish_host=${NOMAD_JOB_NAME}-elastic",               # IP to broadcast to other elastic search nodes (this is a host IP, not container)
          "-Enetwork.publish_host=site",               # IP to broadcast to other elastic search nodes (this is a host IP, not container)
          "",                                      # node is allowed to store data
          "-Enode.master=true",                                    # node is allowed to be elected master
          "${NOMAD_GROUP_NAME}[${NOMAD_ALLOC_INDEX}]", # node name is defauled to the allocation name
          "-Epath.logs=/alloc/logs/",                              # log data to allocation directory
          "-Etransport.publish_port=${NOMAD_HOST_PORT_transport}", # Transport port (originally port 9300) on the host instance
          "-Etransport.tcp.port=${NOMAD_PORT_transport}",          # Transport port (originally port 9300) inside the container

          "-Expack.license.self_generated.type=basic",             # use x-packs basic license (free)

        ulimit {
          memlock = "-1"
          nofile = "65536"
          nproc = "8192"
         mounts = [
                # sample volume mount
                type = "bind"
                target = "/usr/share/elasticsearch/data" #"/path/in/container"
                source = "/opt/elastic/vol_elastic/data"#"/path/in/host"
                readonly = false
                bind_options {
                    propagation = "rshared"


      # this consul service is used to discover unicast hosts (see above template{})
       service {
        name = "${NOMAD_JOB_NAME}-discovery"
        port = "transport"

        check {
          name     = "transport-tcp"
          port     = "transport"
          type     = "tcp"
          interval = "5s"
          timeout  = "4s"

      # this consul service is used for port 9200 / normal http traffic
       service {
         name = "${NOMAD_JOB_NAME}-elastic"
         port = "rest"
         tags = ["dd-elastic"]

         check {
               name     = "rest-tcp"
               port     = "rest"
              type     = "tcp"
              interval = "5s"
             timeout  = "4s"

         check {
           name     = "rest-http"
           type     = "http"
           port     = "rest"
           path     = "/"
           interval = "5s"
           timeout  = "4s"

      resources {
        cpu    = 1000
        memory = 4096
        #mbits = 25
        network {
          mode = "bridge"
          port "rest" {
              static = 9200
              to     = 9200
          port "transport" {
              static = 9300
              to     = 9300
          port "http" {}

   ###########################  KIBANA  ##########################################
task "es-cluster-kibana" {
      driver       = "docker"
      kill_timeout = "60s"
      kill_signal  = "SIGTERM"

      config {
        image   = ""
        command = "kibana"

        args = [
        mounts = [
                # sample volume mount
                type = "bind"
                target = "/etc/kibana/" #"/path/in/container"
                source = "/opt/elastic/vol_kibana/config"#"/path/in/host"
                readonly = false
                bind_options {
                    propagation = "rshared"


      service {
        name = "${NOMAD_JOB_NAME}-kibana"
        port = "kibana"

        check {
          name     = "http-kibana"
          port     = "kibana"
          type     = "tcp"
          interval = "5s"
          timeout  = "4s"

      resources {
        cpu    = 1024
        memory = 1024

        network {
            mode = "bridge"
            port "kibana" {
                static = 5601
                to     = 5601
             port "http" {}


Hi @hepam4!

I suspect the problem is that the kibana container doesn’t have a DNS configuration that lets it talk to Consul to get the es-cluster-elastic.service.consul name. I would do a nomad alloc exec :alloc_id into the kibana container and verify that you can successfully query from Consul.

Right now there’s no way to set the DNS at the task level (see for work in progress), but you might be able to pass the appropriate configuration into the Docker task config.

Alternately, you can have a template stanza that queries for the IP and then writes that somewhere Kibana can use.