I have a k8s cluster and non k8s external VM with nomad insalled. In k8s cluster, I have cilium, 1 service (rebel-base), 2 endpoint pods (rebel-base-pods) connected to the service and 1 separate pod (x-wing) just to send requests to the endpoint pods through the service to test the functionality.
I have connected the external VM (nomad) using the cilium external workload approach. Now cilium is running as a container in the external VM and from that I can access the services and pods in the connected k8s cluster. However, the cilium running in the external VM is different than the cilium running in k8s. It is more like a stripped down version with limited commands.
In nomad VM I have 3 containers running (1 x-wing and 2 rebel-base). Now I want to see how to connect the rebel-base containers running in nomad into the k8s service mesh. The target I am trying to achieve is when I send a request from x-wing pod in K8s cluster 1 to the service (rebel-base) it should send the responses from either rebel-base containers running on k8s or nomad.
is this achievable?
Thank you for any guidance.