Consul 1.7.0-beta1 Released!

Hello everyone,

We’re really excited to release the first beta for Consul 1.7.0. Read more in our blog post.

New Features:

  • Namespaces (Consul Enterprise only): Namespaces help reduce operational challenges by removing restrictions around uniqueness of resource names across distinct teams. They enable operators to provide self-service through delegation of administrative privileges. We have two new guides to help you get started, Register and Discover Services within Namespaces and Setup Secure Namespaces.
  • GCP Snapshot Storage (Consul Enterprise only): This allows Consul snapshots (created as backup for disaster recovery) to be stored in GCP.
  • AWS PCA as Certificate Authority for Consul: This release adds AWS PCA as a certificate authority option for Consul.

This is also the first release that is signed and notarized according to Apple’s third party requirements. Prior to this release, MacOS 10.15+ users attempting to run our software may see the error: “‘consul’ cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.” This error affected all MacOS 10.15+ users who downloaded our software directly via web browsers, and was caused by changes to the new notarization requirements.

MacOS 10.15+ users should plan to upgrade to 1.7.0+ to prevent running into this error.


We encourage you to experiment with these new features, but recommend against using this build in a production environment. Depending on feedback and resolving outstanding issues, we may release further betas or release candidates, and will publish a final, generally available 1.7 release when appropriate.

Thank you to our active community members who have been invaluable in adding new features, reporting bugs, and improving the documentation for Consul in this release!

Please see the complete changelog for details on the release:

The release binaries can be downloaded here:

– The Consul Team