We have been using consul-connect (we actually made some code change for our own needs - yes somehow we choosen to do so…). It actually works, but we were wondering if we would of have missed something.
We added some extra debug informations inside:
command/connect/proxy/register.go looks like while the proxy is running its keeps calling the register function
ie: r.Client.Agent().ServiceRegister(...)
We ware wondering if we missed something that we might have missed?
Looking at the code it looks like its normal that the system resync the service quite often…
for {
select {
case <-reconcileTimer.C:
case <-heartbeatTimer.C:
heartbeatTimer.Reset(r.TTLPeriod / 3)
case <-stopCh:
r.Logger.Printf("[INFO] proxy: stop request received, deregistering")
If we read this part right, the services keeps registering itself to the agent until it exists ?