Consul on EKS with gossipEncryption autogenerate true

I’m trying to get consul running on an EKS cluster where there are taints on the nodes. My configuration has
autoGenerate: true

which spins up a pod on a tainted node. There appears no way to add toleration to this pod. I’ve got every toleration field populated and still pod cannot start.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @jassherman,

The gossip-encryption-autogenerate-job doesn’t have the tolerations field set in the chart.

Ref: consul-k8s/charts/consul/templates/gossip-encryption-autogenerate-job.yaml at main · hashicorp/consul-k8s · GitHub

You can patch the same to get it working by taking example from another manifest. Eg:

Consider filing a feature request if you would like this to be available as part of the official helm chart.

I hope this helps.

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@Ranjandas Thank you! This was helpful. I also added the code to the following yaml files and updated the values file accordingly.


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