Creating and populating multiple AD groups with nested JSON's with multiple properties and values

Hi there,

I’m using Terraform to create and populate new AD security groups but I’m also unfortunately going into meltdown in the process. As my terraform knowledge is basic at best.

I’m successful in being able to create one group and populate with one user but it is looping through the JSON that is causing me problems.



"groups": [


        "name": "GROUP IT",

        "members": [








        "name": "GROUP ADMIN",

        "members": [







        "name": "GROUP DRAMA",

        "members": [






        "name": "GROUP PUBLIC",

        "members": [








locals {

# get json

user_data = jsondecode(file("${path.module}/GroupsTemplate.json"))


resource “azuread_group” “new_groups” {

for_each = local.group_members_table

display_name = each.key

members = each.value

mail_enabled = false

security_enabled = false


data “azuread_user” “user” {

user_principal_name = “



Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the
following symbols:

  • create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

azuread_group.new_groups[“groups”] will be created

  • resource “azuread_group” “new_groups” {
    • auto_subscribe_new_members = (known after apply)
    • display_name = “groups”
    • external_senders_allowed = (known after apply)
    • hide_from_address_lists = (known after apply)
    • hide_from_outlook_clients = (known after apply)
    • id = (known after apply)
    • mail = (known after apply)
    • mail_enabled = false
    • mail_nickname = (known after apply)
    • members = [
      • “f7053a57-67po-5290-a8c2-3465-fe69a469”,
    • object_id = (known after apply)
    • onpremises_domain_name = (known after apply)
    • onpremises_netbios_name = (known after apply)
    • onpremises_sam_account_name = (known after apply)
    • onpremises_security_identifier = (known after apply)
    • onpremises_sync_enabled = (known after apply)
    • owners = (known after apply)
    • preferred_language = (known after apply)
    • prevent_duplicate_names = false
    • proxy_addresses = (known after apply)
    • security_enabled = false
    • visibility = (known after apply)

Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

I understand why this is happening, but it’s just a solution to the problem that is hard for me to grasp. There were not many resources for nested json online so I hope that I have produced is enough to go on.