What i am trying to achieve:
• Create custom policy initiative from existing built-in CIS 1.3.0 policies.
• Fetch all the CIS policies which are part of CIS 1.3.0 initiatives via data source and create custom initiatives via terraform.
Problem statement:
• We want to have below structure in terraform as a prerequisite for Policy Initiative creation, we are finding it challenging to create the same structure in terraform.
Expected output:
each_init_parameters = "Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_9"
detail = [
def_id = []
ref_id = []
group_name = []
param_value = []
each_init_parameters = "Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_10"
detail = [
def_id = ""
ref_id = ""
group_name = ""
param_value = ""
Current output:
+ each_init_parameters = "Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_9"
+ each_init_policy_definition_id = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/496ddjkdkjdkjdc3"
+ each_init_policy_group_names = [
+ "CIS_Azure_1.3.0_9.8",
+ each_init_reference_id = "49622dddkjsjh65-4ecd-878a-bae78737e9ed"
+ {
+ each_init_parameter_values = jsonencode(
+ effect = {
+ value = "[parameters('effect-4ddhjhjdhjdh5e53-4a4f-a7f4')]"
+ each_init_parameters = "Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_9"
+ each_init_policy_definition_id = "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/4dsjnjshjhsj"
+ each_init_policy_group_names = [
+ "CIS_Azure_1.3.0_9.10",
+ each_init_reference_id = "4d24b6hsjhhjhsjhsj"
+ {
+ each_init_parameter_values = jsonencode(
+ effect = {
+ value = "[parameters('effect-5bb22jkhsjhjkhsjhjsjkh')]"
Code i am trying:
locals {
custom_initiative_names = distinct(
for each_group_name in data.azurerm_policy_set_definition.policysetdefinition.policy_definition_group : [
"${var.custom_initiatives_prefix} ${regex("[^()@[:space:]]+[_][0-9]*",each_group_name.name)}"
Above block return output as below which will be used to group the policy def id, paramters and policy refernce id.
custom_initiative_names = [
"Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_1",
"Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_2",
Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_3",
"Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_4",
"Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_5",
"Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_6",
"Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_7",
"Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_8",
"Custom initiative CIS_Azure_1.3.0_9",
Below block filters only the parameters which are present in both the data source to avoid duplication.
complete_policy_def = flatten([
for k,v in jsondecode(data.azurerm_policy_set_definition.policysetdefinition.parameters) : [
for each_policy_def_ref in data.azurerm_policy_set_definition.policysetdefinition.policy_definition_reference : {
policy_parameter_key = k
policy_parameter_value = v
"${k}" = v
policy_def_ref = each_policy_def_ref
} if (k == "effect-${each_policy_def_ref.reference_id}")
With below block we want to fetch all the details and group based on custom_intiative_names mentioned above. Then assign all the fetched details and create policy initiative dynamically based on custom_initiative_names.
new_init_group = flatten([
for each_init in local.custom_initiative_names : [
for each_pol_defi in local.complete_policy_def : {
each_init_parameters = each_init
each_init_policy_definition_id = each_pol_defi.policy_def_ref.policy_definition_id
each_init_reference_id = each_pol_defi.policy_def_ref.reference_id
each_init_policy_group_names = each_pol_defi.policy_def_ref.policy_group_names
each_init_parameter_values = each_pol_defi.policy_def_ref.parameter_values
if (length(regexall("${regex("[^()@[:space:]]+[_][0-9]*",each_pol_defi.policy_def_ref.policy_group_names[0])}", each_init)) > 0)
Could some one advice how to structure the whole data bases on custom_intiative_names via locals or any other means.