I am trying to create REST API connector throu terraform. On UI it works like a charm with connector builder but when trying to create the same using terraform i am getting :
unknown status code returned: Status 422 {"status":422,"type":"https://reference.airbyte.com/reference/errors#unprocessable-entity","title":"unprocessable-entity","detail":"The body of the request was notunderstood","documentationUrl":null,"data":null}
This is my config.What i am missing ? :
resource "airbyte_source_custom" "json_placeholder" {
name = "Custom JSONPlaceholder Source"
workspace_id = var.airbyte_workspace_id # Your Airbyte workspace ID
configuration = jsonencode({
url = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/",
http_method = "GET",
path = "/posts",
headers = {
"User-Agent" = "python-requests/2.32.3", # Example header
"Accept" = "*/*" # Example header
body = jsonencode({}), # No body for GET requests
primary_key = ["id"],
pagination_type = "None"