Decrypted the encrypted sensitive values in logs


We extract boundary logs with sink configuration and set “encrypt” option on audit config log. But do you know how we can decrypt this logs ? And if it’s possible ?

Hi there,

It’s currently possible with the knowledge to write a bit of Go code – you’d have to connect to the DB, pull out the encryption KEK, use it to decrypt the DEK, then use that to decrypt values for a scope. We do intend to find a way to make this easier in the future while still ensuring that there is appropriate access control, whether via the API or CLI.

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@PPacent tagging you FYI

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Thanks for this reply

@jeff are there any changes with procedure of decryption of sensitive values in audit logs in the current version?

I’ll explain my case:
I have a setup with mysql cred generated by vault database engine using vault credentials library. Thats why I need to have response.detail.item.credentials.secret.decoded.username field of audit logs in cleartext, while password must remain redacted/hashed/encrypted. Because I need to use generated username for analysis of mysql audit logs

I don’t see any possibility to achieve this via config options, thats why I thought about decryption of encrypted values, maybe you could advice a better way, thanks

Going to tag @jimlambrt as the person that would have the best idea. You can override the behavior of sensitive/secret fields but I believe that affects all such fields. However, if you create a sink specifically for these events using Controller/worker - events - common sink parameters | Boundary | HashiCorp Developer then that may work.

The config for a sink applies to the entire sink. There’s no way to just decrypt one sensitive/secret field.

I would create a sink specifically for this purpose with the appropriate config and limit access to the sink.