Defining an entity and alias for approle auth backend role(s)

I’m trying to understand how the Entity and Alias is different from an “approle auth backend role” as defined in Terraform Vault provider:

Whenever I create this backend role, along with a role_id and secret_id from it, I see that a new entity is created with an alias that matches the role_id. So is the backend role an alias?

What I want to do is create the entity and link it to the approle auth backend role, which seems to be an alias, however Vault will seemingly always create a new entity and alias regardless of the setup. I want to be able to apply policy to the entity and not the auth backend role tokens only…

I’m doing this in the context of Concourse CI:

resource "vault_auth_backend" "approle" {
  type = "approle"

resource "vault_policy" "concourse" {
  name   = "vault_concourse_policy"
  policy = data.vault_policy_document.concourse_secrets.hcl

resource "vault_approle_auth_backend_role" "concourse_backend_role" {
  backend   = vault_auth_backend.approle.path
  role_name = "concourse-approle-auth"
  token_policies = [

resource "vault_approle_auth_backend_role_secret_id" "concourse_secret_id" {
  backend   = vault_auth_backend.approle.path
  role_name = vault_approle_auth_backend_role.concourse_backend_role.role_name

data "vault_approle_auth_backend_role_id" "concourse_approle_roleid_output" {
  backend   = vault_auth_backend.approle.path
  role_name = vault_approle_auth_backend_role.concourse_backend_role.role_name

Thank you,

Turns out it’s as easy as giving the alias the same name as the role_id from “approle_auth_backend_role”

resource "vault_identity_entity" "concourse_approle_entity" {
  name     = "concourse-entity"
  policies = ["vault_concourse_policy"]

resource "vault_identity_entity_alias" "concourse_approle_entity_alias" {
  name           = vault_approle_auth_backend_role.concourse_backend_role.role_id
  mount_accessor = vault_auth_backend.approle.accessor
  canonical_id   =