Deploying Nested ESXi7 into vCloud 10.2 using VCD_Provider

Just quick question if anyone has deployed a nested ESXi host into vCloud?

My issue is after deployment using the below basic script the hostname is never set on the EXi host. I’m thinking my issue is related to the fact the OS type is ESX, All the network config is set as expected.

Create vAPP
resource “vcd_vapp” “Windows_Nested_ESX” {
name = “Windows_Nested_ESX”

#Add Network to vApp Org
resource “vcd_vapp_org_network” “vappOrgNet” {
org = “{var.vcd_org}" vdc = "{var.vcd_org_vdc}”
vapp_name =
org_network_name = “TestLab”

#Create VM
resource “vcd_vapp_vm” “Windows_Nested_ESX” {
vapp_name =
name = “Windows_ESX1”
catalog_name = “Sandbox-Catalog”
template_name = “Nested_ESXi7.0u1_Appliance_Template”
memory = 4096
cpus = 2
cpu_cores = 2

customization {
join_domain = true
join_domain_name = “
join_domain_user = “administrator”
join_domain_password = “p@ssw0rd”

network {
type = “org”
name = vcd_vapp_org_network.vappOrgNet.org_network_name
ip_allocation_mode = “MANUAL”
ip = “”
is_primary = true

guest_properties = {
“guest.hostname” = “Nested_ESX1”