I am trying to setup my application insight to an eventhub through terraform. But it is the ‘log’ portion that is causing the problem. Here are my resource block.
resource “azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting” “t_diagnostic” {
name = “ehub”
target_resource_id = data.azurerm_application_insights.source_appinsight.id
eventhub_name = data.azurerm_eventhub_namespace.t_eventhub_target.name
eventhub_authorization_rule_id = data.azurerm_eventhub_namespace_authorization_rule.eventhub_auth_rule.idlog {
category = “WorkflowRuntime”
enabled = trueretention_policy { enabled = false }
metric {
category = “AllMetrics”retention_policy { enabled = false }
depends_on = [
could you please help me in this?