Do you know why the vault listner is trying to connect to port 444? I dont see that port being used on the leader

Do you know why the vault listener is trying to connect to port 444? I dont see that port being used on the leader.

Oct 22 04:41:04 i-instanceid vault[13703]: 2021-10-22T04:41:04.037Z [DEBUG] core: forwarding: error sending echo request to active node: error="rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp i/o timeout""

The cluster_address is set and the api_address is set. One has the 8201 port and the other has 8200. Vault version is 1.7.2 db0e4245d5119b5929e611ea4d9bf66e47f3f208