Everytime I’m deploying my container, terraform wants to recreate my mounts and my ports. Very strange, is this intended some how?
So every run ends with “Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 1 destroyed.”
It seems very confused when polling the existing ports, looks like its sorting them wrong or something when diffing.
Terraform v0.12.19
- provider.docker v2.6.0
% terraform apply -var-file=dockerinfra03.tfvars
docker_container.consul must be replaced
-/+ resource “docker_container” “consul” {
attach = false
+ bridge = (known after apply)
command = [
+ container_logs = (known after apply)
+ exit_code = (known after apply)
~ gateway = “” → (known after apply)
~ id = “0484eefe45c9441ec31fe9147953c8a49a6242609101d8b0ef6f8c35f19955ee” → (known after apply)
image = “consul:1.6.2”
~ ip_address = “” → (known after apply)
~ ip_prefix_length = 16 → (known after apply)
log_driver = “json-file”
logs = false
must_run = true
name = “consul-server03”
~ network_data = [
- {
- gateway = “”
- ip_address = “”
- ip_prefix_length = 16
- network_name = “bridge”
] → (known after apply)
publish_all_ports = false
read_only = false
restart = “always”
rm = false
start = true~ ports { ~ external = 8300 -> 8301 # forces replacement ~ internal = 8300 -> 8301 # forces replacement ip = "" ~ protocol = "tcp" -> "udp" # forces replacement } ~ ports { external = 8301 internal = 8301 ip = "" ~ protocol = "udp" -> "tcp" # forces replacement } ~ ports { ~ external = 8301 -> 8302 # forces replacement ~ internal = 8301 -> 8302 # forces replacement ip = "" ~ protocol = "tcp" -> "udp" # forces replacement } ~ ports { external = 8302 internal = 8302 ip = "" ~ protocol = "udp" -> "tcp" # forces replacement } ~ ports { ~ external = 8302 -> 8501 # forces replacement ~ internal = 8302 -> 8501 # forces replacement ip = "" protocol = "tcp" } ~ ports { ~ external = 8501 -> 8600 # forces replacement ~ internal = 8501 -> 8600 # forces replacement ip = "" ~ protocol = "tcp" -> "udp" # forces replacement } ports { external = 8600 internal = 8600 ip = "" protocol = "tcp" } ~ ports { ~ external = 8600 -> 8300 # forces replacement ~ internal = 8600 -> 8300 # forces replacement ip = "" ~ protocol = "udp" -> "tcp" # forces replacement } - volumes { - container_path = "/consul/config" -> null - host_path = "/var/dockerdata/consul/config" -> null - read_only = false -> null } + volumes { + container_path = "/consul/config" + host_path = "/var/dockerdata/consul/config" } - volumes { - container_path = "/consul/data" -> null - host_path = "/var/dockerdata/consul/data" -> null - read_only = false -> null } + volumes { + container_path = "/consul/data" + host_path = "/var/dockerdata/consul/data" } }
Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.