Docker containers are not able to talk to Consul agent

Docker containers are not able to talk to Consul agent. Have tried network_mode=host and loopback interface also but nothing works.

What’s the config and image?

Image is custom present on ECR

service {
name = “backend”
port = 1340

connect {
sidecar_service {
proxy {
upstreams = [
destination_name = “redis”
local_bind_port = 5000


job “backend” {
datacenters = [“ap-south-1a”]
type = “service”
group “backend” {
count = 1
network {
port http {
static = 1340
task “backend” {
driver = “docker”
config {
image = “
ports = [“http”]
network_mode = “host”
env {
REDIS_URL = “redis://”
MONGO_URL = “mongodb://”
resources {
memory = 500
cpu = 500