While reading the docs on this page I noticed the following note:
Note: In order to use KubeDNS, the Kubernetes service name will need to match the Consul service name. This will be the case by default, unless the service Pods have the annotation consul.hashicorp.com/connect-service overriding the Consul service name.
Is this still a problem? We have been using a different service name in consul and k8s for about 3 months and no problems happened. Does anyone know what problems can happen if connect-service-name is different from k8s service name?
Hey @FelipeEmerim
What this doc is trying to call out is that if you are changing your consul service name, you need to use kubernetes dns name rather than consul. Perhaps, the phrasing of the doc is a bit confusing. If your service names don’t match, you can still use the kubernetes dns name and it should work.
Hope that clarifies it a bit.
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Thank you for the quick response, it really helped solve our doubt 
Maybe the bellow note would be more clear.
Note: In order to use Consul DNS, the Kubernetes service name will need to match the Consul service name. This will be the case by default, unless the service Pods have the annotation consul.hashicorp.com/connect-service overriding the Consul service name.