DR for Vault OSS?

I am trying to come up with a way to do Disaster Recovery using vault oss with dynamodb global tables as the storage back-end, anyone have any recommendations on how to accomplish this? Or is there a better approach.

What are your requirements for DR?

We use consul as our backend and we just run a job every hour that exports the consul database and stores it to blob storage. If we need to we can stand up a new instance of Vault and restore from backup. There’s some manual steps, but we that’s fine for us.

Is this methodology still working for you?

I’m no longer at the company where we did that. I suspect that it’s still in use though. It was a fairly small deployment so hourly backups wasn’t an issue.

Ok thank you. In general I’m having a lot of trouble setting up my vault cluster on AWS EKS. Do you have any familiarity with externaldns controller?