I am trying to set up this terraform using Terraform workspaces. I’m building a lambda function that has different environment variables for each environment. I cannot figure out how to use the variable format I am using and then populating them. When I try to
variable "env_vars" {
default = {
dev = {
foo = "manshoo"
poo = "doo"
staging = {
purple = "blue"
orange = "red"
prod = {
triangle = "square"
rectangle = "circle"
If I try this; it seems to want to use all the environments and fails with No more than 1 "environment" blocks are allowed
resource "aws_lambda_function" "function" {
dynamic "environment" {
for_each = var.env_vars
content {
variables = environment.value
If I do this; it picks up the environment but now instead of seeing the object it’s seeing the objects inside the object
resource "aws_lambda_function" "function" {
dynamic "environment" {
for_each = var.env_vars[terraform.workspace]
content {
variables = environment.value
How do I get the dynamic block to read the environment and populated variable
with the nested object?