Dynamic routing based on URL

I think this is similar to how I have feature branch jobs setup. If a dev checked in a branch called feature-test to the circle repo they can access the deploy at circle-feature-test.ci.example.com. If that’s the kind of thing you need then maybe this will help.

I put the generated deploy URL into a the meta block

meta {
  hostname = "[[ $hostname ]]"

of the job as well as an haproxy tag. I’m running HAProxy with consul-template and a stanza like the following to scrape all of the URLs and set up load balancing

[[- range services -]]
  [[ if .Tags | contains "haproxy" -]]
    [[- range $index, $name := service .Name -]]
      [[ if eq $index 0 ]]

backend b_[[.Name]]
    mode http
[[- /* server-template [[.Name]] 3 _[[.Name]]._tcp.service.consul resolvers consul resolve-opts allow-dup-ip resolve-prefer #ipv4 check */]]
      [[- end ]]
    server [[.Name]]-[[ $index ]] [[.Address]]:[[.Port]]

    [[- end -]]
  [[- end -]]
[[- end ]]

Our local DNS server returns the LB IP for any request to *.ci.example.com

Hope that helps!

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