I’m trying to dynamically create an aws_route53_record
I need to look for the hosts IP Addresses first, and then pass it to the records
attribute dinamically.
I’ve tried the following:
# prod = module.database.slave_db_private_ip_prod output example
output "slave_db_private_ip_prod" {
value = [aws_instance.slave01[*].private_ip, aws_instance.slave02[*].private_ip, aws_instance.slave03[*].private_ip, aws_instance.slave04[*].private_ip]
database_read_host_ip = {
dev = module.database.slave_db_private_ip_non_prod
test = module.database.slave_db_private_ip_non_prod
staging = module.database.slave_db_private_ip_non_prod
prod = module.database.slave_db_private_ip_prod
resource "aws_route53_record" "db_read_endpoint" {
count = length(var.database_read_host_ip)
zone_id = var.route53_private_zone_id
name = "db-read.${var.route_private_zone_name}"
type = "CNAME"
ttl = "60"
set_identifier = "db-read-${terraform.workspace}"
records = [lookup(var.database_read_host_ip, terraform.workspace)]
weighted_routing_policy {
weight = "${ceil(100 / length(var.database_read_host_ip))}"
The error that I get is:
The given value is not suitable for child module variable "database_read_host_ip" defined at modules/database/variables.tf:173,1-33: element "staging": string required
Also, ideally, the weighted_routing_policy
parameter would only consider valid endpoints for the given workspace.
For example; if I’m in the prod
workspace, then the values for dev, test
and staging
would be blank, therefore, TF shouldn’t consider them.
Is there a way to achieve this in Terraform?
Thanks in advance!