Ec2 not created

This is my first time to use terraform to create ec2 in aws. I am using free tier account and performed init, plan, apply in terraform, however, no ec2 was created. i just copied the below script to test in creating ec2. Kindly enlighten me what seems to be missing or reason why ec2 is not created.

Define the provider (AWS)

provider “aws” {
region = “us-east-1” # Specify your desired region

Define an EC2 instance resource

resource “aws_instance” “example” {
ami = “ami-01816d07b1128cd2d” # Replace with the AMI ID you want to use (Ubuntu, Amazon Linux, etc.)
instance_type = “t2.micro” # Instance type (free tier eligible)

Optional: Define key pair for SSH access

key_name = “your-key-name” # Ensure this key exists in your AWS account

Optional: Define a security group

vpc_security_group_ids = [“your-security-group-id”] # Specify your security group ID

Optional: Set a tag

tags = {
Name = “MyFirstEC2Instance”