I am having issues with the elasticstack_elasticsearch_watcher resource parsing triple quotes in json. I’ve copied the json of a watcher from Kibana and separated the json into actions, condition, input, metadata, trigger and transform json files as this matches the arguments for this resource (I don’t see a way to load the entire json in the docs, but that is beside the point). Everything works fine except for transform which has a triple quoted section (“”") and I get the following error:
│ Error: "transform" contains an invalid JSON: invalid character '"' after object key:value pair
│ with elasticstack_elasticsearch_watch.watchers["my_watcher"],
│ on watchers.tf line 59, in resource "elasticstack_elasticsearch_watch" "watchers":
│ 59: transform = file("watchers/${each.value}_transform.json")
Here is my terraform config:
locals {
watchers = toset([
resource "elasticstack_elasticsearch_watch" "watchers" {
for_each = local.watchers
watch_id = "${each.value}"
active = true
actions = file("watchers/${each.value}_actions.json")
condition = file("watchers/${each.value}_condition.json")
input = file("watchers/${each.value}_input.json")
transform = file("watchers/${each.value}_transform.json")
trigger = file("watchers/${each.value}_trigger.json")
Here is the json I am trying:
"transform": {
"script": {
"source": """
return [
'@type': 'MessageCard',
'@context': 'https://schema.org/extensions',
'themeColor': 'a30200',
'summary': 'Watcher alert: ' + ctx.metadata.name,
'title': 'my_watcher',
'sections': [
'facts': [
'name': 'Errors Found:',
'value': ctx.payload.hits.total.toString()
'potentialAction': [
'@type': 'OpenUri',
'name': 'View Errors',
'targets': [
'os': 'default',
'uri': ctx.metadata.dashboard_url
"lang": "painless"
If I hand craft the transform argument the way the terraform resource wants it, I get it to work, but for efficiency sake, I’d rather not have to do that, but here is what works in the terraform resource:
transform = jsonencode({
"script" = <<EOF
return [
"@type" = "MessageCard",
"@context" = "https://schema.org/extensions",
"themeColor" = "a30200",
"summary" = "Watcher alert: " + "ctx.metadata.name",
"title" = "my_watcher",
"sections" = [
"facts" = [
"name" = "Errors Found:",
"value" = "ctx.payload.hits.total.toString()"
"potentialAction" = [
"@type" = "OpenUri",
"name" = "View Errors",
"targets" = [
"os" = "default",
"uri" = "ctx.metadata.dashboard_url"
but I’d rather just do this:
transform = file("watchers/${each.value}_transform.json")
Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide and please feel free to ask for clarification!