Hi all,
maybe I just made a stupid typo, but I’m getting the following error on my smallstep job when I activate the health check:
envoy_bootstrap: error creating bootstrap configuration for Connect proxy sidecar: exit status 1; see: https://developer.hashicorp.com/nomad/s/envoy-bootstrap-error
I don’t think I’m doing something different than in my other health checks. Which are working just fine.
Besides, the link in the error message is pointing to a non-existing page …
Any ideas what might cause this issue?
Job file:
job "smallstep" {
datacenters = ["home"]
type = "service"
group "smallstep" {
constraint {
attribute = "${node.class}"
value = "compute"
network {
mode = "bridge"
port "envoy_metrics" { to = 9102 }
service {
name = "smallstep"
port = 9443
# WTF??? health check causes Envoy bootstrap error!
check {
type = "http"
protocol = "https"
tls_skip_verify = true
path = "/health"
interval = "5s"
timeout = "2s"
expose = true
meta {
envoy_metrics_port = "${NOMAD_HOST_PORT_envoy_metrics}" # make envoy metrics port available in Consul
connect {
sidecar_service {
proxy {
config {
envoy_prometheus_bind_addr = ""
sidecar_task {
resources {
cpu = 50
memory = 48
task "server" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "smallstep/step-ca:latest"
env {
TZ = "Europe/Berlin"
resources {
memory = 300
cpu = 50
volume_mount {
volume = "smallstep"
destination = "/home/step"
volume "smallstep" {
type = "csi"
source = "smallstep"
access_mode = "single-node-writer"
attachment_mode = "file-system"