Hi everyone! This is my first post here. Any suggestions would be very helpful. I am hitting the error in the subject line given that there is a Distrbuted Vitual Switch being used in vSphere. I found the vsphere_distributed_virtual_switch resource but have no idea how it is used in the creation of the VM itself. The DVS is already setup in vSphere and I was thinking that I need to update my network interface block but unsure how to do it. My block is entered below and I think I need to update the “network_name = var.vsphere.network_name” line to utilize a DVS. Does that sound correct? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
network_interfaces = [
network_id = local.network_id
network_name = var.vsphere.network_name,
netmask = var.nodepool.netmask,
ip_address = each.value.ip_address,
hostname = each.value.hostname,
domainname = each.value.domainname,
adapter_type = each.value.adapter_type,
ovf_map = each.value.ovf_map