Error: Failed to query available provider packages- vmware vcd

│ Error: Failed to query available provider packages
│ Could not retrieve the list of available versions for provider hashicorp/vcd: provider registry does   
│ not have a provider named
│ Did you intend to use vmware/vcd? If so, you must specify that source address in each module which requires that provider.   
│ To see which modules are currently depending on hashicorp/vcd, run the following command:
│     terraform providers

Hi @surendragupta481!

Have you tried what the final paragraph of the error message suggests? If you can say more about what happened when you tried that it will be easier to give helpful suggestions. Thanks!

Hi @apparentlymart !

Thanks for reply

I am sharing the file and others file with you as below mentioned

terraform {

required_version = “1.3.4”

required_providers {
vcd = {
source = “vmware/vcd”
version = “3.7.0”
configuration_aliases = []

Connect VMware vCloud Director Provider

provider “vcd” {
aalias = “abc”
user = var.vcd_user
password = var.vcd_pass
auth_type = “integrated”
org = “System”
url = var.vcd_url
max_retry_timeout = var.vcd_max_retry_timeout
allow_unverified_ssl = var.vcd_allow_unverified_ssl

module “myorg” {
source = “./modules”


So after running the terraform init command, I am getting below mentioned error :-

PS C:\Users\surendra.gupta\Desktop\Demo> terraform init
Initializing modules…

Initializing the backend…

Initializing provider plugins…

  • Finding vmware/vcd versions matching “3.7.0”…
  • Finding latest version of hashicorp/vcd…
  • Installing vmware/vcd v3.7.0…
  • Installed vmware/vcd v3.7.0 (signed by a HashiCorp partner, key ID 8BF53DB49CDB70B0)

Partner and community providers are signed by their developers.
If you’d like to know more about provider signing, you can read about it here:

│ Error: Failed to query available provider packages

│ Could not retrieve the list of available versions for provider hashicorp/vcd: provider registry does
│ not have a provider named Terraform Registry

│ Did you intend to use vmware/vcd? If so, you must specify that source address in each module which requires that provider.
│ To see which modules are currently depending on hashicorp/vcd, run the following command:
│ terraform providers

Kindly help me on this issue thanks