I have been attempting to carry out a tidy on a vault cluster with
vault write pki/tidy tidy_cert_store=true tidy_revoked_certs=true
The clean up of certificates has progressed without issues in 2 environments. This has been carried out against the vault leader in all cases. However in our production environment the same command has resulted in an error. When looking at the status of the tidy we get the following response.
vault read pki/tidy-status
Key Value
--- -----
cert_store_deleted_count 44997
cross_revoked_cert_deleted_count 0
current_cert_store_count <nil>
current_revoked_cert_count <nil>
error error fetching certificate "{Cert-Key}": decryption failed: cipher: message authentication failed
internal_backend_uuid {UUID}
issuer_safety_buffer 31536000
message Tidying certificate store: checking entry 294279 of 2231139
missing_issuer_cert_count 0
pause_duration 0s
revocation_queue_deleted_count 0
revoked_cert_deleted_count 0
safety_buffer 259200
state Error
tidy_cert_store true
tidy_cross_cluster_revoked_certs false
tidy_expired_issuers false
tidy_move_legacy_ca_bundle false
tidy_revocation_queue false
tidy_revoked_cert_issuer_associations false
tidy_revoked_certs true
time_finished 2023-10-17T10:55:19.520252663Z
time_started 2023-10-17T10:30:56.371675097Z
I have not been able to work out what action to take to resolve the relevant certificate and am unable to read the problem cert for the same reason as given above.
vault read pki/cert/{Cert-Key}
Error reading pki/cert/{Cert-Key}: Error making API request.
URL: GET https://{Server-Address}:8200/v1/pki/cert/{Cert-Key}
Code: 500. Errors:
* error fetching certificate {Cert-Key}: decryption failed: cipher: message authentication failed
The config.hcl for the server is as follows:
storage "raft" {
node_id = "{Node-1-ID}"
path = "/var/vault"
retry_join {
leader_api_addr = "https://{node-2-ip}:8200"
leader_ca_cert_file = "{path-to-cert}"
retry_join {
leader_api_addr = "https://{node-3-ip}:8200"
leader_ca_cert_file = "{path-to-cert}"
seal "awskms" {
kms_key_id = "{Kms-key-id}"
region = "eu-west-2"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_disable = 0
tls_cert_file = "{path-to-cert}"
tls_key_file = "{path-to-key}"
telemetry {
prometheus_retention_time = "10m"
disable_hostname = true
api_addr = "https://{node-1-ip}:8200"
cluster_addr = "https://{node-1-ip}:8201"
disable_mlock = true
If anyone can advise how to resolve the error fetching certificate {Cert-Key}: decryption failed: cipher: message authentication failed
or direct to how to resolve Tidy Errors in general it would be extremely useful.
Vault version being run is 1.13.5.