Error log about boundary

A little problem
Boundary is now running perfectly, but when I search the log about ‘error’, the following message will appear

    "id": "gxrh6epgeP",
    "source": "***",
    "specversion": "1.0",
    "type": "error",
    "data": {
        "error": "nil result from looking up auth token by public ID",
        "error_fields": {},
        "id": "e_TPfFrUqDpw",
        "version": "v0.1",
        "op": "auth.(verifier).decryptToken",
        "request_info": {
            "id": "gtraceid_As4pRwXAvxut3gwDuHbV",
            "method": "GET",
            "path": "/v1/scopes",
            "public_id": "at_NoulkkfiuQ"
    "datacontentype": "application/cloudevents",
    "time": "2021-12-06T02:07:46.605214343Z"

It didn’t seem to affect anything, and it only lasted for a short time,Can anyone explain it? I’d appreciate it

I believe this happens when a user initiates an OIDC auth-flow. The CLI or desktop is polling to see if the user has completed the flow and if there’s a token as a result. I believe there’s been a recent PR that stops this “false positive” error event from being emitted.

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