Error: resource with id already exist, to be managed by terraform please import

but the resource is already managed by the state, i think that there is an error with terraform core, specially because the error persist through various apply

Hi @ignacio.genzor,

You have not provided enough information to know what is going on here. The error is coming from the provider, so it could be a configuration problem or a problem with the provider. It would be very unlikely that Terraform itself is responsible for the error, since it has no direct knowledge of what constitutes a unique ID for a resource, or how the provider should interpret the planned actions.

While you probably need to add more information to get an answer, I can re-tag this under Terraform Providers, so perhaps someone with more experience with Azure is more likely to see it.

hello @jbardin;
i’ve updated the provider and deleted local cache/updated state file, this solved the issue
thanks for ur reply :wink:

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